Friday, November 29, 2019
Mergers Acquisitions (MA) 1980s-1990s free essay sample
Aims, types (friendly vs. hostile), examples, financing, third-party, regulations, globalization, govt. intervention, impact on stocks. Following a growth through acquisition strategy is not a new way for companies to increase their market presence. While open competition is one way for companies to gain market share and increase profit, eliminating competition through acquisition is a time-honored method for achieving the same goal. During the 1980s, mergers and acquisitions were characterized by companies raiding otherwise profitable organizations, then selling off the newly acquired company for ready cash. The result was an increase in profits to the acquiring company, but, in many cases, companies were unduly closed down, eliminating jobs and contributions to the economy. This research examines the mergers and acquisitions market, including past actions, current proposals, defenses that companies can mount to avoid hostile acquisition, and considers
Monday, November 25, 2019
Your Quick Guide to Break vs. Brake
Your Quick Guide to Break vs. Brake Do you break a promise and apply breaks? Or is it the other way around?Break and brake are two homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings) and are often confused in the English language. Lets look at the definition and context of each, as well as some examples, to help clarify the confusion.BreakMerriam-Webster defines break as follows:to separate into parts with suddenness or violenceto cause (a bone) to separate into two or more pieces : fractureto cause an open wound in : ruptureto cut into and turn over the surface of the soilto render inoperable broke his watchviolate, transgress the law break or a promiseNote that break can be used as a noun or a verb, and can have multiple meanings- although all meanings relate to stopping something, separating something into parts, transgressing a law or promise, or rendering something inoperable.Lets look at break used in both contexts:Example of break used as a noun: My lunch break was long enough to get some running time in.Example of break used as a verb: You can use my headphones, but please dont break them!BrakeMerriam-Webster defines brake as follows:a device for arresting or preventing the motion of a mechanism usually by means of frictionsomething used to slow down or stop movement or activityIts important to note that brake can be a noun or a verb, but both refer to the mechanical act of stopping something in motion. For example, lets look at brake used in both contexts:Example of brake used as a noun: I applied the brakes but the car wouldnt slow down fast enough to avoid a collision.Example of brake used as a verb: I braked as soon as I could but still couldnt avoid a collision.An easy tipSince break is obviously the most used of these two homophones, an easy way to remember how to distinguish between the two is to ask yourself if the action or noun to be used in a sentece is related to the mechanical act of stopping something. If so, use brake. Otherwise, break is most likely the corr ect choice.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Urban planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Urban planning - Essay Example It proceeds in two ways: the multiplication of the points of concentration and the increase in size of the concentrations†(qtd. in Champion 144). This phenomenon is evident in some of the major cities in the world such as London and Paris, which have a high degree of urban concentration. On the other hand, suburbanisation is a term that has come to be viewed in regard to the decentralisation of urban places or metropolitans since it is a reflection of the â€Å"shift in patterns of development from the mainly lateral expansion of the city’s built-up core to much deeper penetration of house building into an extensive commuting hinterland or ring†(Champion 149). Simply put, suburbanisation is a description of the fringe areas of major cities resulting to areas called suburbs, which have various meanings depending on their definition in various places around the world. Nonetheless, the convention definition of suburbs implies that they are residential areas located in the fringe areas of a large city within a commuting distant to the city with some having political autonomy while the population density of these areas vary from one place to another. Suburbanization is the process where cities grow peripherally; starting by movement of people, trade and facilities from densely populated urban cores to, to less populated human settlements. Among the reasons were expansion in transport, crowded urban areas, industrial growth and immigration and Levittown played a crucial role in development of suburbs from the 1950’s and beyond (Marshall). The automobile age, which was after the Second World War, witnessed the return of many servicemen. They were all entitled to education and housing benefits. New bachelors’ degrees were issued and it created a professional class. The veterans that opted for vocational education filled the service sector. The two classes started having children that became baby
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Central or European youth group and another youth group with Research Paper
Central or European youth group and another youth group with subculture similarities - Research Paper Example There is no wonder therefore that issues of subcultures are most popular with the youth and various youth groups. Through the research, it was actually established that the act of adapting to a particular subculture is actually something that is not the reserve of any particular origination of youth group but that it cuts across almost al parts of the world (Tschopik, 2001). To this end, with any part of the world that a person finds him or herself, there is likely to be some kind of subculture practiced and adhered to. One other peculiar feature of these youth group based subcultures is that they keep changing with time. In the first part of the report, the Mod subculture shall briefly be compared and contrasted to the Ted subculture; all of England. Further on, the Mod subculture shall be compared and contrasted to three other youth groups from other parts of the world including Latin America and Africa. There are three major similarities between the Mod and Ted. First, it was discovered that the two youth groups have a similar origination. Critical research reveals that it is a common thing that whenever one youth group springs up, in a particular country or area of the world, there is the tendency that there will be opposition youth groups to these youth groups (Worn, 1951). For this reason, it is common to find two or more youth groups springing up from just one location. In this case, the two sprang up from England. The second similarity is that the two youth groups came around just at the same time and this was in the 1950s. The same reason why the two groups originated from the same place still holds valid for why just around the same time, there were two different youth groups forming two different subcultures. The final similarity among these two youth groups has to do with the kind of activities they involved themselves in. the research actually reveals that both groups wer e very much into music and fashion. Yet
Monday, November 18, 2019
CEO's and Foreign Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
CEO's and Foreign Policy - Research Paper Example Conversely, people can be influenced against a strong truth, based on inappropriate presentation. He begins by explaining that CEO’s can schedule a meeting with President Hu Jin Tao more efficiently than can the prime ministers of China’s allies (Prestowitz, 2003). There is a fallacy, however, in this seemingly innocent statement. It implies, to a Western audience, that CEOs are more powerful than Heads of State. There are several problems with this implication. Not all CEOs have that much power to attract the immediate attention of President Hu Jin Tao. Only a small minority of the 297,640 US CEOs (TrueKnowledge, 2011), for example, can do so. It is not the job title of CEO, nor power, necessarily, that attracts presidential attention. Relationship is of particular importance. Relationship is at the core of Chinese political and business alliances and their priorities (China Import Formula, 2011). Important relationships, for the Chinese, are based on dedication to hon esty, honor, reliability, and personal connection over time, the promoting of relationships built on trust. This is the Chinese concept of Guanxi (China Import Formula, 2011). Meetings for formal purposes, where Guanxi does not play a part, are of far less significance than are meetings between or among people who share relationships of honor.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Veldt Essay Example for Free
The Veldt Essay In the short story â€Å"The Veldt by Ray Bradbury, everything starts with the purchase of their new family home. This home was not your average home because where other homes flawed this house seemed to have perfected itself. This house had features that would cater to the family such as feed them, sing to them, and even nurture them nothing was to good for their children said George. The greatest feature was the nursery. What this nursery would do, was catch the telepathic emanations of the children’s minds and create it in the room. This house did everything for the family; the children quickly grew more and more fascinated by the house then there parents. Soon enough, the children realized there was no need for their parents. As time progressed the kids started to adapt to being spoiled and pampered by the house. As the story goes, one day the parents walked into their three dimensional nursery and they discovered Africa; no longer was there nursery a lovely childish room, but it was now a dead desert with feeding animals. At first they were surprised at what their kids had been imagining then George said, â€Å"Nothing over there I can see but cleaned bone and vultures dropping for what’s left. †Than Lydia suggested that they give a call to the psychologist because there was not any reason why kids of so little age can be imagining this. So they did just that, and the psychologist advisor agreed with them to close the nursery down, and go on a family vacation. So George locked up the room and started turning off all there other machines that would cater to them one by one. That same night Peter and Wendy snuck into the nursery and as they were there a scream was herd all the way into their parent’s bedrooms; so George and his wife woke up to see what the commotion was about. George decided it was time to turn off everything all the machines so he did but right before he did Wendy and Peter got two minutes to say good bye. Too much time had passed and Lydia and George began to worry; they went in the nursery and it automatically locked them in and the lions ate Peter and his wife. The following day the psychologist came to visit the family and Pater and Wendy just acted as if nothing was wrong. Wendy even offered the psychologist a cup of tea symbolizing that she had no remorse over what had occurred to her parents.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Examining the Reasons for Changes in the Educational Attainment Essay
Examining the Reasons for Changes in the Educational Attainment In this essay, the reasons for the changes that have occurred in recent years in regards to the educational attainment of males and females will be looked at. Evidence seems to suggest that females outperform males in schools. There are various reasons for this, which will be examined in the essay. Mitsos and Browne are a few of the many sociologists that believe that boys are underachieving more than girls, even though they also believe that girls are disadvantaged. The fact that boys are doing worse than boys is shown in the SATs results where girls are doing better than boys. Girls are also outperforming boys at every GCSE subject except for physics. Mitsos and Browne have identified five main reasons of why girls have improved in recent years. One reason is that women’s movement and feminism have achieved success in improving the rights and raising expectation and self esteem of women. Women are more likely to aspire to top jobs that are well paid ...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Killing animals for fur Essay
Picture living in horrible conditions your whole life, in a cramped cage with no food or water. Then all of a sudden you are dragged out from your cage, almost beaten to death then your skin is ripped off as you are taking your last breaths. Your carcass is then thrown into a pile with the rest of your fellow comrades like a piece of garbage. This may sound like a scene from a gory movie, but this is something that actually happens on a daily basis. Every year, millions of innocent animals are tortured and killed for the fur or skin off their backs. The fur industry is a cruel, heartless business that is bad for the environment and unnecessary. Every year, millions of animals are killed for the clothing industry. Whether they come from Chinese fur farms or Indian slaughterhouses, an immeasurable amount of suffering goes into every fur coat made. Eighty-five percent of the fur industry’s skin comes from animals on fur factory farms. More than half of the fur in the U.S. comes f rom China, where millions of the animals are victims of cruelty. In China environmental regulations are often ignored and there are no federal human slaughter laws to protect the animals on fur factory farms. One reason why I am against fur is because the industry is a cruel gruesome business. Fur farming methods are specifically designed to maximize profits at the expense of an animal’s well being. Animals on fur farms include foxes, minks, rabbits, and even dogs and cats. They are forced to live in close confinement with up to five other animals in the cage and have no shelter protection from the weather. This causes them anxiety and often makes mothers kill their babies or other animals chew on their own limbs from all the rough handling and intense confinement. Since the workers are only concerned about the fur, the animals are hardly fed or given water; and when they are fed its unfit food like meat by-products. Many of the animals are also victims to diseases and pests because of all the filth they are forced to live in. If living like that isn’t miserable enough, the ways the animals are killed on fur farms is even worse. Unfortunately, there no humane slaughter la ws to protect the animals on fur farms, so killing methods are gruesome. Fur farmers are only worried about preserving the quality of the fur, so they use slaughter methods that cause the animals to suffer immensely. Methods include gassing, electrocution and neck breaking; sometimes the animals are still alive when being skinned. Although most of the animals killed for their fur are raised on fur farms, millions of wolves, raccoons, bobcats and other fur bearing animals are killed every year by trappers for the clothing industry. They use various types of traps like snares, underwater traps, and steel jaw traps. A snare trap is made out of cable and shaped like a noose and when the animal steps on the cable it sweeps them up and hangs them. The more they struggle, the tighter the noose becomes, and if they are caught around the neck they will eventually strangle and die. Underwater traps are mostly used for beavers, muskrats, and minks. These traps are sometimes referred to as â€Å"drowning traps†and that’s exactly what they do. They prevent the animal from going up for air; it usually takes about nine minutes to drown them. A steel jaw trap slams shut on an animal’s limb when triggered. The initial impact causes an injury, but the majority of the damage is caused from the animal trying to break free. Animals caught in these traps will struggle in excruciating pain for hours and even resort to chewing off their trapped limbs in a desperate attempt to escape. The fact that an animal would severe their own limb shows how horrible it is to be caught in a trap. If a trapped animal isn’t killed from blood loss or infection, they are often killed by predators or hunters. If the animal is still alive by time the trapper gets there they are strangled, beaten, or stomped to death so their fur isn’t damaged. Every year many dogs, cats, and other animals including endangered species are injured or killed by traps. They are referred to as â€Å"trash animals†by trappers and are generally killed or thrown away since they have no value to them. Imagine your house pet being killed or injured because of a trap that was set. It shouldn’t happen to your pet or any other animal. Another reason why I am against fur is because it is bad for the environment. The fur industry may promote that its product is a â€Å"natural†fabric from a renewable resource, but there is nothing natural about clothing made from an animal†™s skin or fur. Fur is only a â€Å"natural fiber†when it is still intact on an animal’s back. Once an animal has been slaughtered and skinned, its fur must be â€Å"tanned†or treated in order to stop it from biodegrading. Tanning is an unnatural process that uses toxic chemicals including formaldehyde, chromium and many other dangerous chemicals to stabilize the collagen fibers in animal’s skins to stop them from rotting. Using these harmful chemicals are serious environmental contaminants and the fur industry is very aware of it. The production of fur contributes to pollution, water contamination and it even leads to cancer. When it comes to the tanning process, the chemicals used are very damaging substances. They include coal tar derivatives, dyes, oils, and finishes, some of them are cyanide based too. In addition to all these toxic substances, tannery effluent also contains large amounts of pollutants such as acids, protein, hair, salt, lime sludge, and sulfides. Among the consequences of working with this waste is the threat to human health from the highly elevated levels of cyanide, lead, and formaldehyde. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discovered that the incidence of leukemia among residents in an area surrounding a tannery in Kentucky was five times the national average. People who work in these fur production places are dying of cancer caused by exposure to dimethylformamide and other toxic chemicals used to process and dye the animal skins. The coal tar derivatives used are also an extremely potent cancer-causing agent. The tanning process also pollutes the air. In Denmark, more than fourteen million minks are killed each year for their fur and more that eight thousand pounds of ammonia is released into the atmosphere annually. Fur farms also produce massive amounts of animal waste that is all confined in one small area. For instance, each mink killed by fur farmers produces about forty-four pounds of feces in his or her lifetime. That adds up to one million pounds of feces produced yearly by U.S. mink farms alone. Animal wastes are high in nitrogen and phosphorous, so the waste in this instance would have nearly one thousand tons of phosphorus. When it rains and the waste washes downhill it wreaks havoc on rivers and streams. Other times the waste is left to soak into the soil and can contaminate the ground water. The nutrients in the waste lead to algae growth, which depletes the oxygen in the water. This can kill sensitive species of fish and make the water unsuitable to drink for humans. Many fur farmers have been fined for releasing waste into the environment and contaminating water supply. If you are not bothered with the killing of these animals, you should definitely be worried knowing the chemicals used in this industry can be harmful to you. My final reason for being against the fur industry is because it is completely unnecessary. Fur isn’t a necessity for survival everyone can live with it. Also, there are many other alternatives that are just as stylish and warm as real fur. Fabrics such as polyester and polyvinyl are common cruelty free materials used. Not only is the synthetic fur stylish, it’s also a whole lot cheaper than buying real fur. Faux fur is even more eco-friendly than real fur. In a study done by Gregory Smith he found that the production of a factory farmed fur coat required nearly twenty times more energy than the production of a faux fur coat. So there is a lot of gas and resources being used on an unethical and unnecessary product. Many celebrities have even taken a stand to never wear fur and promote what goes on in this industry. Even popular clothing designers and companies are starting to show compassion and remove fur from their garments. Forever21, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, and Tommy Hilfiger are some of many companies that converted to using faux fur. Some people may argue that the fur industry is ethical but after reading my claims, I hope it makes you think again. Some people that are okay with the killing of animals is simply because they don’t care. You might think that the life of an animal is meaningless but that doesn’t mean its okay for them to suffer. Animals experience pain and fear just like humans do. Many people may be okay with using cows for leather because we already kill them for their meat or using sheep for their wool, but when it comes to a fox there is absolutely no reason to just kill them for one thing and then trash their body. So in conclusion, killing animals for their fur is completely wrong. The fur industry is a cruel heartless business that is bad for the environment and is unnecessary. The industry is only concerned about maximizing profits and producing fur, they could care less about the animals well being. Animals don’t deserve to suffer just so you can wear them for fashion. If people stop buying fur then no one will sell it, so ultimately its up to the consumers who decide the fate of the fur industry. Animals don’t have a voice but we can speak up for them by spreading the word about the cruelty and refusing to wear fur or buy it.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Presentation and Store Design Category
About Sephora Sephora is the leading chain of perfume and cosmetic stores in France and the second in Europe. There are over 1,600 Sephora stores in 27 countries, and over 340 of those have opened in North America since the first US store opened in 1998 in New York. Sephora is the originator of the open-sell prestige cosmetics model, which affords clients the ability to test and access any product in the assortment. Across the categories of Makeup, Fragrance and Skincare, brands are presented within a unified Sephora-driven presentation format to enable cross shopping, and clients are encouraged to touch and test all products. That point of differentiation is an essential part of our retail proposition and brand essence, and has proven effective in enabling clients to explore the complete range of brand offerings by category. In complement to this interactive and unified presentation of each brand in Sephora’s product mix, clients are guided through each world’s products with anchor presentations. These presentations highlight trends, explain how to combine products to customize a makeup look or skincare regimen, and bridge into potential service consultations or class registrations with our cast of experts. While much success has come from the breadth of products offered to clients, we have also discovered that the candy-store effect can be overwhelming. Clients love the access and choice, but frequently crave guidance to hone their selections. So balancing bounty with points of access is key to navigating our stores and assortments. Sephora aims to serve as a beauty editor, offering a vast array of products, but providing a curated point of view that helps each client delve into the selection best suited for her. THE STORE DESIGN CHALLENGE Sephora has a strong market presence in Makeup, Skincare and Fragrance, but is most known in North America for its Color (the internal term for the Makeup category) shopping experience. This model defines the brand and the remainder of the store’s format. The unbridled product access, the ability to trial any product in the store, and the sense of fun and interaction remain popular and engaging for our clients. But Sephora is interested in exploring how its Color experience might evolve to better evoke trends, more deeply engage clients in meaningful product exploration, and offer a less static feel from one client’s visit to her next. This challenge is to rethink the store’s formula for Color, preserving the defining and differentiating aspects of the opensell cosmetics model, but updating its look, feel and client experience. Students are to identify what they think is essential from the current in-store model, articulate the opportunities for evolution based on the added advantage created in the client’s shopping experience and engagement with the brand, and then propose a holistic concept presenting the evolution of the total Makeup department. The updated look, feel and client experience should allow implementation across the range of existing stores. Store sizes overall range from 3,800 to 6,000 square feet on average, with Color comprising approximately half the store. Entries should include a suite of core fixtures and features, complemented by interchangeable elements, with the demonstrable ability to reconfigure into a variety of spatial conditions. The fixturing suite should be unified in language, but may articulate through a range of elements and presentation methods. Modularity is essential, as is solving for the challenges of presenting small-scaled products in an organized and inviting way. The See-Try-Buy model at the heart of the Sephora store concept must be inherent in all presentation solutions. Sephora will supply the approved corporate logo, as well as its brand mark and red Pantone match, The Flame. The Sephora name is derived from the fusion of the Greek god Sappho with the biblical figure Zipporah, and the Flame is the representation of her enduring spirit. Along with the word mark and Flame, Sephora’s black and white stripes are a globally iconic branding element, used with purpose as part of the storefront architecture. Derivations and references to these brand codes may be considered in the design of the fixturing programs, but should be treated with a level of sophistication. Sephora stores are black and white, with judicial use of red accents. Color may be introduced through graphics or visual merchandising, but all store fixture elements must adhere to this branded color palette. Complementary metal finishes are permitted, as are variations in the materiality and proportional relationship of the brand colors. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS †¢ The current fixture program is composed of two core fixtures. A â€Å"linear†– the store’s base wall unit – and a gondola – the makeup category’s base floor unit. Sephora creates these base modules, and then ndividual brands work with Sephora to customize the tray components to each season’s assortments and stories. These trays are updatable and interchangeable to any position within the linear and gondola system; this function must be preserved in the design concept. †¢ Limitations of the current fixture program include a lack of flexibility to create more varied spatial configurations and presentations, a static graphic communication system, and an overall feeling of being fixture-heavy and cumbersome. Fixtures should focus more on the product and storytelling. Objectives within each of the brand’s feature presentations include: focus and articulation of current trends and the latest product innovations; clear secondary presentations of core product groupings such as eye shadows, foundations, and lip products; a forward presentation of each product available for the client to test, backed by packaged and accessible selling stock; and additional back-stock storage in each unit. †¢ The newly proposed core fixture solution needs to provide for a base system that preserves an underlying framework to each brand’s presentation while evolving how the brands can express their trend and product stories. The overall department is punctuated by highlight areas. Here Sephora presents a curated assortment of the best of a product segment, such as mascaras, or highlights a larger trend, such as nail art. Design proposals are to reconsider how trend and highlight areas function and are integrated into the â€Å"brand library†of the overall department. These areas should be flexible for frequent updating, encourage play and trial as well as shopping and learning, and be designed to enable varied configurations over time. †¢ The total store is anchored by the â€Å"Beauty Studio,†the destination for clients to receive cast-assisted consultations. Design proposals should thoughtfully integrate the experience of experimentation and trial throughout the revamped Color experience. Clients should always feel exposed to looks, trends and product innovations, with the ability to try the products individually, in groups or with cast assistance. †¢ Sephora’s virtual presence has grown. It is the leading online beauty retailer, with a loyal following across all forms of social media. The virtual experience with the brand affects the in-store shopping experience, so students should consider digital integration across the Color experience. The area should range from 1,600 to 2,500 square feet, comprising a mixture of wall and floor fixtures. PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS AND FORMAT †¢ Each entry should be submitted in an 8-1/2 x 14 bound booklet, not to exceed 12 pages. †¢ The design may be hand-drawn, rendered, photographic, and/or computer-generated. †¢ Students also must submit a copy of their design in PDF form at entry on a CD. A PDF version of the booklet is also required. †¢ The submission should address the general requirements above at a scale and composition determined by the student. A written concept statement limited to two paragraphs must highlight the unique fixture design, the rationale for design decisions, material selections, and the demographic for whom the design was made. GENERAL INFORMATION AND ENTRY REQUIREMENTS †¢ This competition is open to undergraduate college students only. †¢ Students may only enter ONE category; either the visual merchandising category or the store design category. †¢ The student’s name and school name is not to be visible anywhere on the presentation pages or cover. Each entry must include a printed entry form and disclaimer clipped to the back of the entry. †¢ Each entrant must complete and submit an online copy of the entry form as well. †¢ Students must also submit a copy of their entry on a CD or DVD in a PDF format with the entry. Please make sure to label the CD or DVD. †¢ Students are advised to keep a copy of their entries, as entries will not be returned. Entries must be received by 5:00 p. m. Pacific time on Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013. Sephora PAVE Entries Attn: Paul Loux & Hillary Washington 525 Market Street, 32nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94105
Thursday, November 7, 2019
H.L. Mencken essays
H.L. Mencken essays In order to have an opinion regarding the controversial views of artist and their work; one must come to terms with the meaning of art. Art is abstract, it involves the ordinary and entwining it into a creation of many dimensions. Art is creativity, expression, rebirth and a state of mind. There is no one concrete definition for this subject. For what one person considers art may not be the same perspective of another individual. Art is varied according to the artist and the public it is intended for. In all art like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Many variations of creations are sheltered under the category of art. With each creation being precious and unique in its own manner. Keeping in mind the idea that art has branched categories, H.L Menckens views on artist relationship towards society are valid to a certain degree. Menckens theory states that an artist of any dignity is against his country; and in a reciprocal manner his country is against him. Not only does Mencken state what artist of dignity are, he also goes on to define them. "Artist have special qualities that break them apart from the rest of us." Artist have an "extraordinary capacity for irritation, a pathological sensitivity that separates them from the rest. Mencken obviously believes that artist have a sort of sixth sense. A sense for appreciation of affect, cause and self-perseverance. Mencken describes the thoughts of these creators as minds that are able to see outside the ordinary. In todays society Menckens theory has specks of truth in it. Menckens views seem to glorify these talented individuals, although that may not always be case. There are artist today who do care more about the humanitarian effect on people than being patriotic. For example, after September 11, the United States saw the gathering of many artist to pay tribute to the families of those who passed away. It wasnt as much the ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Creative Tension Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Creative Tension Model - Essay Example The human mind is very unique in terms handling things. Every person has to manage a lot of things in his daily routine. Some things need more intention while the others hence the human mind prioritizes them accordingly. Every day there is a new challenge he has to face and he has to make the best of it. But at times our mind becomes so distorted that we are not able see a clear vision of things. This all effects our professional growth and family relationships adversely. Thus the creative tension model defines a set of rules and techniques that enable us correct those mistakes and help to make us a better person. In other words, this a structure that facilitates the creativity and change process in a person. The learning process of a person never ends. As a child we learn new things at every step of our age. In fact it grows on as the person keeps on experimenting new things. But there are certain ‘does and don’ts’ which are instilled into our lives from the very beginning. Similarly, such implications create fear in us and a kind of unworthiness settles in our minds for the things we can have and the things which are totally out of question for us. Peter Senge in his book â€Å"The Fifth Discipline†states as it is believed that there are two contradictory beliefs that can limit our ability to create what we actually want. Out of them the most common one is believing that we are powerless and our failure in being what we actually want to be. The other one center’s around our unworthiness that we do not deserve to attain what we truly wish for. (Senge, 2006) Creative tension can be defined as a tension between your current reality and your vision or goal. Robert Fritz has explained creative tension using the example of a rubber band stretched across your vision and your current reality. As you move towards your vision, the rubber helps you pull in your desired direction. This tension symbolizes motivation, the more
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The evolution of the black church Research Paper
The evolution of the black church - Research Paper Example For the purpose of the study, details of the history will start after the American Revolution, an era where the slavery was abolished. By 1810 slaves were totally free; the slave trade in America ended, and a large native born population of African Americans began to increase. This freedom allowed the African-Americans to blend together, to preserve their cultures and to transform their religious beliefs and practices. This period also coincided with the revival of religious evangelization wherein many slaves were converted to evangelical religions like Baptists and Methodists. Evangelists encouraged the message of hope and salvation to the slaves, and advocated the idea that all Christians are equal in the eyes of God. The teachings of the scriptures appealed to the slaves because it inspired them towards hope and salvation and were particularly interested in the stories of deliverance from slavery of Moses’ Exodus out of Egypt. The Africans also found worships that were sim ilar to their own such as clapping, dancing, loud singing and evil spirit possession. Still, whites and the clergy kept on preaching the message of obedience and used Bible stories to justify slavery, and promoted the idea that they will be rewarded after life if they remain loyal and hard-working slaves. The blacks were not allowed to attend church worships independently by their masters for fear that they would plot rebellion. The blacks however were treated differently inside the church.
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