Monday, August 24, 2020
Business Plan Long Term Objectives
Question: Portray about the Business Plan for Long Term Objectives. Answer: Segment I Section A Significance of key arrangement assessment Field-tested strategy is characterized as a composed archive that depicts in detail that how a business will accomplish its objective in a viable and effective manner. Then again, vital arrangement is the way toward sketching out long haul vision of the organization. It is adequately utilized for overseeing and executing vital bearings of the organization. Along these lines, it is viably critical to assess key arrangement while creating field-tested strategy on the grounds that key arrangement assists with accomplishing long haul destinations in the association that prompts associations development (Olsen, 2011). It likewise gives compelling establishment to the field-tested strategy. Besides, marketable strategy spread what and who of the business and key arrangement gives us how and when. This implies key arrangement assists with making successful methodology for making long haul item an incentive to the client that is a significant part of marketable strategy. What's more, interes ts in business are additionally made for accomplishing long haul objective and vital arrangement assists with distinguishing methodologies that are viably required for accomplishing long haul returns. As making powerful budgetary arrangement is a significant part of strategy. In any case, marketable strategy characterizes that where you need to take your business and key arrangement gives a nitty gritty activity plan that assists with accomplishing companys objectives viably. Steps to create quantifiable business goals. Goals are characterized as building obstructs for accomplishing development in an organization. Moreover, quantifiable business targets are depicted as something that can be estimated in quantitative terms. It is viably measured in factual terms to recognize how a specific item or activity is acting in an association. Quantifiable business targets are created to concentrate on how much change is normal or required in the association (Blyth, 2012). Quantifiable goals are essential to distinguish the viability of promoting endeavors. Improvement of quantifiable business objective remembers clearness for the business objectives to be set by the top-administration. The administration ought to likewise guarantee that the destinations are time-explicit and important. The objectives of the business might be created for long haul however they ought to be practical. It gives the administration to increase a feeling of achievement towards the achievement of by and large association objectives. Steps for creating marketable strategy Official outline: It sums up long haul report of organization that gives powerful understanding and recognition about the entire report. It incorporates an outline of business idea, business destinations, target showcase, possession structure, upper hand, advertising methodology and synopsis of money related estimations (Williams, 2012). Organization outline: Company review is a basic piece of a companys strategy. It incorporates conversation about industry, client, items and administrations. It additionally incorporates statement of purpose, Goals and targets, esteem explanation and vision articulation of organization. Business condition: The business condition incorporates the idea of companys industry, headings of the present market and the degree of rivalry. Organization depiction: It incorporates explicit capacities and assets of organization. It likewise incorporates data about companys the board, tasks, its hierarchical level and its market probability. Business procedure: This piece of field-tested strategy remembers compelling techniques to manage rivalries for the business. It additionally incorporates what stages a business is required to take for the achievement of its present system. Monetary survey: It incorporates portrayal about current money related situation of organization which is reflected through Companys asset report, income articulation and benefit misfortune account. Activity plan: Action plan incorporates the way that how we intend to complete marketable strategy. This part should include the proposed changes in authoritative structure of organization (Tiffany, et al., 2012). It additionally incorporates compelling aptitudes required for the effective working of plan and furthermore incorporates approaches to make mindfulness for field-tested strategy in the association. Significance of persistently evaluating market. For accomplishing the ideal business targets it is imperative to make proceed with showcase examination. This is successfully useful in giving all the accessible data with respect to the market, so organization can roll out viable improvements in promoting plan in like manner. In addition, successful market examination additionally causes business to distinguish that how well it is playing out the market utilizing its present market procedures and systems. It likewise gives data about past execution of organization that is adequately useful to realize what undertaking performed superior to other people. Alongside this, viable audit of market additionally assists with distinguishing current needs and inclinations of its clients and furthermore changing business sector patterns. This assistance business to make powerful systems that are useful in meeting changing client needs. It additionally encourages business to keep up viable client base that will eventually brings about long haul achievement and development of business. Moreover, proceed with advertise survey likewise causes business to distinguish its solid rivals, so we can make viable methodologies to increase upper hand over our rivals through setting interesting worth relational word (Fleisher and Bensoussan, 2015). In any case, proceed with advertise examination likewise assists with making viable suspicions about future by investigating current market development and patterns that will assists with making long haul benefits for the association. Client Profile Client profile is the depiction of a client or gathering of clients which incorporates segment, geographic and psychographic attributes. It additionally incorporates clients purchasing behavior and buy history. Significant parts of building client profile Geographic: This viewpoint characterizes where the clients and possible clients of organization dwell. This data causes organization to adequately apply its market endeavors into nations, area and states. Psychographics: This angle characterizes way of life highlights of a buyer which incorporates conviction, sentiment, purchasing propensity and client esteems. Every one of these components influence buying choice of buyers adequately (Peterson, 2011). Socioeconomics: This angle characterizes age, sexual orientation, salary, family size, conjugal status and instructive degree of focused clients. These components help to reach focused on clients viably. Personal conduct standard: This perspective depicts about client purchasing behavior which incorporates recurrence of item buy, level of dependability and recognizable proof of purchasing inclination of shopper whether for cost or for execution. Significance of counseling partners Partners are commonly characterized as financial specialists in an organization. It additionally incorporates workers, investors, providers, clients and board individuals. Reasons of taking investors worry being developed and modification of field-tested strategy (a) The results of business choices of an organization are dictated by the activities of its partners. As marketable strategy is set up to accomplish companys objectives and destinations in a productive way. In this way, it is critical to take exhortation of partners while creating and reexamining strategy since they hold a stake in the association. (b) At the hour of creating field-tested strategy taking exhortation of companys board part and directors assists with making compelling procedure that will assist with setting up brand worth and situating of organization in the commercial center (Allen, 2015). (c) Taking input and perspectives on clients assists with recognizing and track current need and desires that assists with shaping viable business procedure likewise. Moreover, investors concern is additionally characterized as significant wellspring of data that assists with improving venture structure and results while reexamining marketable strategy. Part B Checked Thing Notes Portrayal of the business Way of life planner is possessed by Peter Drew and it is situated in Brisbane. He has 25 years involvement with planning and creating inventive condos. The business uncommonly centers around cooking the requirements of specialty by planning viable and imaginative internal urban condos that suits the way of life of expert laborers. In the underlying stage the business will be locally situated containing most recent types of gear that will help in creating CAD drawings and 3D model introductions. Also, the huge piece of the work will incorporate improvement of little and medium lofts. Associations reason (crucial, and esteem proclamation) Vision: Premier building firm in Australia for making contemporary urban improvement networks. Crucial: imaginative and network agreeable internal urban condos for the home and way of life of the working proficient. Worth articulation: To give helpful and current building structure lofts in concurred cost and time period. Authoritative diagram The Lifestyle designer is the sole ownership business wherein the proprietor of business is Peter Drew. Key work force/proclamation The key work force of Lifestyle draftsmen is Peter Drew, who is the sole proprietor of the business having 25 years involvement with planning lofts, retail shops and inns. The business is appropriately composed and overseen by single individual in a gainful way. He is additionally having compelling system of contact with significant customer with whom he worked before. Current objective market and advertising methodology Current objective market: Initially Brisbane was chosen as the essential market since it is a profoundly populated city having populace of 1.8 million individuals. On premise of data picked up from the estimate done by Office of Economic and Statistical Research, the flow ta
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Rose For Emily :: essays research papers
A Rose for Emily By: none (William Faulkner) in the midst of pain, injury and uncertainly, numerous individuals discover a solace in recognizable environmental factors, where they can finish off the world and unwind. This was unquestionably Emily’s method of taking care of her injury. For her entire life Emily attempted to escape from change. Indeed, even the posting of the new letter box was inadmissible for her. She went about as if nothing around her had changed as long as she can remember. Despite the fact that demise and misfortune influenced her, she appeared to attempt to abstain from contemplating it. Emily can't adjust her customs in present day times. However, the underlying foundations of her catastrophe lay in the reality, that neither can the individuals who encompass her in the town. In the story, Faulkner presents us with a tragic story of a desolate lady, who is just met with dissatisfaction and anguish as she continued looking for adoration. Emily was a forlor n lady. Miss Emily originated from an incredible family. She had encountered a controlling affection from her dad. That adoration just requested that she submit to his standards and his desire for her in the course of his life. Her admirers were totally sent away by her dad. Subsequent to neglecting to wed, she lost the main individual who was her family, her dad. After her dad kicked the bucket, she met Homer Barron, a Yankee, who was in the development business in the town. At last she had somebody to cherish. They dated and perhaps were content with one another, however the conventions, customs and preferences of the South bound this issue to end. She was unable to permit this. Emily couldn't have lived with Homer, yet she was unable to free him, her lone love. So she harmed him with arsenic. She required somebody to adore her everlastingly, and somebody to cherish. She didn't have any relatives to love and sustain, to go to for affection or backing. The couple of relatives she h ad thought she was insane, however they were considerably progressively glad for their situation in the general public. They disallowed her relationship with Homer. They pushed her to do what she did. The town, the family, all the individuals were against her affection. She was unable to have Homer alive. This is the reason she slaughtered him. Along these lines he was hers, solitary hers, eternity: â€Å"Then we saw that in the subsequent cushion was a space of a head.
Friday, July 24, 2020
All-Star Guest Speakers
All-Star Guest Speakers Every day, my classes are inspiring and very helpful in my path toward a career in advertising. Sometimes though, I am especially inspired. Earlier this week, one of the core advertising classes that I am taking this semester happened to have a very awesome guest from the famous Ad Agency, Leo Burnett. My professor was able to get a very experienced member of Leo Burnett to come down to Champaign-Urbana and speak with us directly about his experiences in advertising research. After class, I even had the opportunity to thank him for coming and talk with him for a bit. It was a really cool experience that I know Illinois is fantastic for offering. I thought back about all the times that I had heard from amazing guest speakers over my last five semesters. Many of these speakers have impacted my career path and the way that I look at education and its ability to help me achieve my goals. Our professors at Illinois welcome guests who have crucial experience in their field and the ability to convey why their work is so important. I am happy to say that these speakers have shown me what Illinois does thats so special: inspire students to explore their interests and give them the tools to succeed. Throughout the rest of my time at Illinois I look forward to hearing from more amazing speakers who can offer tremendous insight on what works in the advertising industry. I am proud to attend a university that has the weight and stature to bring these professionals to our classrooms. College isnt just a place for textbooks and exams, it is a place to feel inspired. I always have no doubt that Illinois understands and delivers on that promise. Jacob Class of 2019 I’m an Advertising student within the College of Media. My hometown is a place called Fairmount, Illinois, which is about 30 minutes from campus. I began my Illinois journey in the Division of General Studies.
Friday, May 22, 2020
How Women Working Within All Federal Agencies Of The...
The research utilized an exploratory case study method through the application of various academic articles and significant statistical data in the development of the study. This study explicitly explores women working within all federal agencies of the government at different grade levels. In this research one classification system was reviewed, the Senior Executive Services classification. The Senior Executive Services classification is clearly defined by the Office of Personnel Management as The SES is mainly comprised of individuals accountable for leading the continuous transformation of the government (Womack-Gregg, 2010).These men and women have the necessary executive skills and collectively share a comprehensive perspective of the government and also the public service commitment outlined in the Constitution. The SES was mainly designed to have executives selected for their excellent leadership qualifications. Members of the SES serve in important positions just a category lower from the top presidential appointees. This analysis mainly attempts at answering the important question: Has the overall percentage of women increased in the SES positions from the year 1999 to 2009? Findings and Discussion Through analysis of the yearly information and also the 2010 data, it was evident through the discovery that most of the accurate data present the situation as it currently occurs. The rationale behind the formulation of this question is to evaluate if, over time, femaleShow MoreRelatedEssay about Employee Benefits Required By Law6718 Words  | 27 PagesSecurity nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Social Security is the federally administered insurance system. Under current federal laws, both employer and employee must pay into the system, and a certain percentage of the employee’s salary is paid up to a maximum limit. Social Security is mandatory for employees and employers. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Chaucers Canterbury Tales Essay - Marriage in The Wife...
Marriage in Geoffrey Chaucers The Wife of Baths Prologue and Tale The disparity in the outcomes of the hags marriage and Alisons marriages in Geoffrey Chaucers The Wife of Baths Prologue and Tale depends in part on the womens differing expectations of their husbands. The hags modus agendi depends on a knights obligation to honour his pledge, whereas Alisons modus operandi depends on her husbands conduct after marriage, i.e. on her circumstances. Having saved the knights life, the hag asks the knight to permit her to be his wife. Moreover, she wants to be his love. The knight must marry, since marrying the hag lies within his might. Since the hags definition of being his wife includes her loving him, he is duty-bound to†¦show more content†¦Like husbands in real life, Alisons husbands are not knights. They do not submit to her will out of love for her beauty as she expects. Physically, she beats her fifth husband into submission, crucifies her philandering fourth on the cross of jealousy, and outwits her three horny, old husbands through fl attery and deceit, attacking their fidelity to extort payment for the marriage debt. Alisons marriages are battles, a state of war that continues until she wins the right to rule, after which she controls the marital assets and the stipulation of the marriage debt. She sexually abuses her old husbands, hints she wants her fourth dead, and curtails her young fifths reading. Vae victis - woe to the conquered. Aggressively, Alison pitches them into their purgatory, realizing the right to rule in her own hell. Alison defies ones expectations. Described by the narrator as a church-going woman nonpareil, she presents herself unflatteringly in her prologue. Blinding herself to her immorality with her verbose diatribe, she interprets the scriptures, classical literature, and mythology to suit her immediate needs. By interpreting Alisons tale as wish fulfillment, however, one can grasp for a handle to her motives, hopes, and agenda. The hag exploits the knight as a means to an end, to be young and beautiful. As she gets older, Alisons fading features will not sustain her narcissism. To love herself, she must be beautiful, even if only in the eyes of her next husband.Show MoreRelatedAttitudes Toward Marriage in Chaucers the Canterbury Tales1477 Words  | 6 PagesAttitudes Toward Marriage in Chaucers The Canterbury Tales Chaucers The Canterbury Tales demonstrate many different attitudes toward and perceptions of marriage. Some of these ideas are very traditional, such as that discussed in the Franklins Tale, and others are more liberal such as the marriages portrayed in the Millers and the Wife of Baths Tales. While several of these tales are rather comical, they do indeed give us a representation of the attitudes toward marriage at that time inRead More Passive Women in Chaucers Canterbury Tales? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ethical Standards and the conflict in schools Free Essays
Educators function as a member of a squad and have a particular relationship with pupils, parents, other school forces, and the community. The quality of these relationships depends non merely on the work performed, but besides on the ethical behaviour demonstrated on the occupation. Educators are faced with ethical issues on a day-to-day footing, including confidentiality, record direction, and the demands placed upon them with the duty of learning pupils and pull offing a schoolroom. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Standards and the conflict in schools or any similar topic only for you Order Now Educators frequently face state of affairss where their ain involvements, a pupil ‘s involvement, or the school ‘s involvement may conflict. Ethical criterions help us to go more cognizant of the right class of action with respect to a assortment of positions instead than our ain. Educators are obligated to be as to the full prepared as possible to work ethically, every bit good as lawfully, in the school environment at all times. Ethical criterions supply a model for reflecting on appropriate behaviour. For this assignment, I have researched four articles that address legal and ethical deductions on schoolroom direction in respects to the rights and duties of pupils, parents, and instructors. I will reflect, place, and sum up each article. Finally, I will reason with how these articles have made a difference in how I will pull off my schoolroom. Article 1 The article that I began with is Public school Law: Teachers ‘ and pupil ‘s rights by Martha McCarthy. McCarthy discusses the legal rights of the instructor and the pupil. The Negligent Tort Law shows that instructors may be considered apt if he or she could hold â€Å" foreseen and prevented hurt by exerting proper attention †( McCarthy, Cambron-McCabe, 1992 ) . The first component of the Negligent Tort Law states that the responsibility to protect is the duty of the instructor – this responsibility includes all necessary safeguards to protect pupils that are under their supervising ( McCarthy, Cambron-McCabe, 1992 ) . Subsequently, if a pupil hurt could hold been anticipated or foreseeable by the instructor and they did non supply sensible supervising of the incident, so, carelessness on the instructor ‘s behalf has occurred ( McCarthy, Cambron-McCabe, 1992 ) . Yet, if a pupil ‘s action or consequence of a pupil ‘s hapless picks contribu ted to the hurt, so the incident itself is considered conducive carelessness, and the instructor is no longer apt ( McCarthy, Cambron-McCabe, 1992 ) . In happening carelessness on a instructor ‘s behalf, one must see the mature and developmentally appropriate behaviour. There are many factors that have to be taken into consideration overall when a negligent claim is filed. Some of such factors are the instructor ‘s enfranchisement, the instructor ‘s preparation, the environment in which the hurt occurred, the instructional activity, and the care of the equipment ( McCarthy, Cambron-McCabe, 1992 ) . How the jurisprudence is stated and the compulsory responsibility of attention can be really intimidating to many instructors and educational professionals. Furthermore, because of such bullying of the Negligent Tort Law, school territories and brotherhoods have mandated specific ordinances, along with policies and processs to forestall such possible incidents from happening ( McCarthy, Cambron-McCabe, 1992 ) . It could be just to state that overall, instructors have the duty to protect their pupils, and the pupils have the right to be protected while in attention of the school. However, when can a instructor ‘s duty take precedency over a pupil ‘s single rights? Hypothetically, a scenario may affect a pupil, whether knowing or non-intentional, seting another pupils wellness or safety in danger. The instructor must look at the public assistance of the pudding stone of pupils and has the right and duty to take the one pupil who is endangering the public assistance of the category from the activity/classroom, or environment to guarantee the wellbeing of the remainder of the category. Some could reason that excepting or taking the pupil is in direct misdemeanor of his/her single rights. The instructor ‘s chief duty of sensible attention could hold been jeopardized due to that pupil ‘s actions as good. Article 2 The 2nd article, Response and Responsibility in the Classroom by Edgar Baguio discusses duties of pupils within the schoolroom. Although Baguio introduces the thought of response of the pupil, which entails how a pupil reacts to a instructor ‘s schoolroom direction system, duty ( Baguio, 2008 ) . Responsibility defines the pupil ‘s occupation of following policies and processs in the schoolroom ( Baguio, 2008 ) . Baguio farther discusses that an effectual schoolroom consists of non merely a instructor, but of pupils who follow through with the schoolroom duties ( Baguio, 2008 ) . He believes that both parties must make their duties so it is easier to trust and swear one another ( Baguio, 2008 ) . The schoolroom direction system becomes less of an issue when trust is established. Article 3 The article Parent-Teacher Conferencing, by Joseph C. Rotter, Edward H. Robinson III, and Mary Ann Fey, discusses the importance of communicating between instructors and parents. It is expressed that there is a important demand for effectual parent-teacher conferencing is the â€Å" legitimate right of parent to hold a voice in the instruction of their kid †( Rotter et al, pg. 7, 1987 ) . Over the old ages, parents have been progressively more interested in their kids ‘s day-to-day educational activities. Communication is the key. â€Å" When instructors and parents view the educational procedure as a collaborative attempt, the parent-teacher conference becomes a cardinal instructional scheme that will heighten the kid ‘s growing and advance more effectual acquisition †( Rotter et al, pg. 8, 1987 ) . The article besides addresses the different alterations that affect instructor and parent relationships. The primary concern is the alteration of the household construction and kineticss. The traditional household has changed to being blended, holding individual parents, or holding same sex parents. Because of the obvious alterations, parents and teachers no longer portion common experiences ( Rotter et al, 1987 ) . A opportunity to hold day-to-day interaction has created an obvious cuneus between instructors and parents. The inquiry is how to make full that spread. Communication is the cardinal to making solid dealingss between instructors and parents. Having parent-teacher conferences allows for the most direct signifier of communicating that can be the most meaningful nexus between place and school for the pupil ( Rotter et al, 1987 ) . However, the signifier of communicating is an of import factor. Harmonizing to Rotter et Al, as an pedagogue, holding heat, empathy, regard, concreteness, genuineness, immediateness, and confrontation are of import qualities to hold, but besides cognizing how and when to portray such qualities are requirements for effectual communicating ( Rotter et al, 1987 ) . Article 4 Sarah Ganly wrote Rights and Responsibilities of a Teacher and a Student. Ganly addresses teacher duty within the schoolroom and the rights of the pupils ( Ganly, 2007 ) . Student safety is one of the most of import duties of the instructor ( Ganly, 2007 ) . However, what is different with this peculiar article in comparing to the others is that the parent ‘s rights are addressed. Galley ‘s article addresses that parents have the right to direct their kids to school cognizing that their kid will be safe while in the attention of the school and its instructors ( Ganly, 2007 ) . Teacher ‘s liability and answerability are examined within this article. The illustration of such is that, the jurisprudence states that instructors are â€Å" held apt for a pupil ‘s public assistance if injury is foreseeable †( Ganly, 2007 ) . Every state of affairs must be viewed separately, and if any, palliating fortunes must be taken into history excessively. When acquisition activities are off premises, the instructor ‘s rights and duties should non be taken lightly. Although, there are many policies and processs that go into readying of field trips, the pupils degree of safety should ever be examined and be the first precedence of instructors and schools. It is a instructor ‘s duty to guarantee the safety and wellbeing of each pupil on a field trip. In order for the instructor to keep overall safety for the pupils, they may hold to be forced to conflict upon a pupil ‘s single rights. This state of affairs within itself can be considered â€Å" grey affair †and fortunes have to be analyzed suitably without premises. Because of the many instances of carelessness and inappropriate behaviour go oning with schools across the state, the rights and duties of pupils and instructors has been a hot controversial issue. There seems to be a important sum of failure of recognition of the direct relationship between pupil â €˜s rights and instructor ‘s duties. Decision I feel confident that my method of schoolroom direction is really appropriate. It is a cross between Wong ‘s Pragmatic Classroom Model and Kagan, Kyle, and Scott ‘s Win-Win Discipline Model. I believe it is the pedagogue ‘s duty to learn pupils how to self-monitor their ain behaviour and keep them accountable. The ultimate ends I have for my pupils is to be able to pull off themselves suitably, to be able to run into their demands through responsible picks, and to be able to develop life accomplishments that will function them into the hereafter. The mix attack of Wong, Kagan, Kyle, and Scott works good for me to promote pupils to take ownership of their learning experience and overall success. Using both Wong ‘s Pragmatic Classroom Model and the Win-Win Discipline Model allows me to keep the pupils responsible for their ain behaviour, larning and success, they both hold the instructor responsible to working hard to keep a safe, positive schoolroom environment that helps pupil work to accomplish personal ends. How to cite Ethical Standards and the conflict in schools, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
The Dream Team Era Essay Example For Students
The Dream Team Era Essay The Dream Team EraDuring the summer of 1992, the NBA took center stage as the world watched the greatest team in sports ever assembled joke, pose, and finally play its way to the gold medal at the summer Olympic games. The team was named the Dream Team and it featured eleven of the NBAs best players. Names like Michael Jordan, Earvin Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird headlined the games and the play of Scottie Pippen and Sir Charles Barkley stole the show. After only eight games, the world of USA basketball would never be the same. Since 1992 two more teams called themselves the Dream Team and two were simply labeled as Team USA but one thing is for certain, International basketball has taken a step in the right direction thanks in part to the NBA and its Dream Team era. Over time the faces of those players may have changed, but the goal has always stayed the same and thats the goal of bringing home the gold medal. We will write a custom essay on The Dream Team Era specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now After dominating mens Olympic basketball for years, the mens USA basketball team lost to the USSR in the 1988 Seoul games which cost them a shot at winning the gold medal, but they did come home with the bronze. The United States Olympic committee decided that since the rest of the world were sending their best players into the Olympic games that when it came to basketball it was time for them to do the same. The decision was made in 1989 to allow players from the NBA to represent their country in the 1992 Barcelona games. That one decision was the most important decision in the history of international basketball with one goal in mind; to put together the best possible team that they could. The goal of putting a great basketball team of NBA players together seemed impossible especially when it came to dealing with the egos of todays athletes, but what seemed impossible became a reality. Established veterans like Magic Johnson and Larry Bird and future Hall of Famers/MVPs like Michael Jordan and best friend Charles Barkley were added to the team. Big men David Robinson and Patrick Ewing were added to control the paint and guards Clyde The Glide Drexler and John Stockton were added to run the show. The man picked to coach the team was Chuck Daly who had won two of the last three NBA Championships with the Detroit Pistons. Knowing that no other team would ever be as potentially great as this one, sportswriters around the world dubbed the 1992 mens Olympic team as the Dream Team. After only three weeks of practicing together, the Dream Team was ready for the world. We were in a definite no win situation, said Chuck Daly; we had to come back with the gold medal (The Dream Te am). Despite being lead in overall scoring by Charles Barkley, different players would step up on different nights to take control and led the Dream Team to victory with not just scoring, but great passing and leadership ability as well. Michael Jordan who at the time was the most popular basketball player in the world showed that he is a great defensive player as well as an offensive player by averaging five steals per game during the tournament. Other players like David Robinson and Patrick Ewing provided tough interior defense and the flow of the games offensively were controlled by Magic Johnson and Scottie Pippen. The Dream Teams first game was on July 26th against the African nation of Angola and the United States defeated them 116-48 with Charles Barkley leading the way with 24 points. Against Brazil, Barkley set a USA Olympic record by scoring 30 points on 12-14 shooting. The rest of the tournament the Dream Team faced Croatia, Germany, Brazil, Spain, Puerto Rico, Lithuania. Durin g the game against Lithuania, one of the Lithuanian players actually sat on the side line and took pictures of the Dream Team with his camera. Many celebrities like Jack Nicholson, Spike Lee, and Arnold Schwarzenegger made the trip to Barcelona to witness the gold medal game between the United States and Croatia. The Dream Team defeated Croatia 117-85 and they were led
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Cause & Effect Of Reading Books Essays - Reading, Free Essays
Cause & Effect Of Reading Books Essays - Reading, Free Essays Cause & Effect Of Reading Books This essay argues that the cause and effects of reading books are numerous, but will focus on one cause, starting to read books on a regular basis, and two effects, increased comprehension abilities, and the promotion of vocabulary growth. Reading skills are essential to success in society today. The ability to read is highly valued and very important for social and economic advancement. The following paragraphs will try to explain some of the important effects that reading books will have in a persons life. In America today, most children are beginning or trying to talk around the age of two years. This is a time when language skills are just starting to develop. Even though it usually too early of an age to expect a child to read, there is no reason why the parent cannot start the reading process by reading aloud to them. Instilling reading into a childs life can prove to be one of the most valuable skills that they will ever learn. As a result from reading books, the child will be more likely to read and speak in front of people. This is a very marketable skill to have in the workforce and for school. One of the effects that reading has on a person, is the ability to understand more terms or words, over a period of time. This is commonly 1 referred to as comprehension. Reading can be a challenge but is one that must be met accordingly in order to succeed. Children who are successful readers tend to exhibit progressive social skills. Having confidence in reading only comes from the daily practice of reading. One good way to accomplish the task of reading daily is through books. Reading books can develop a persons comprehension by learning new words. The easiest way to do this is to look up words in the dictionary that are not understood when they are first read. Writing these words down and reciting them aloud also help to establish them in memory. Incorporating these new words in everyday speaking will increase language skills and boost confidence in the speaker as well. The second effect that reading books has is vocabulary growth. Along the same lines of comprehension, the growth of vocabulary is also very important. Having a large vocabulary is not only impressive but useful in many areas of public speaking. For example, many politicians say the same things over and over again, and to the untrained listener this might go on unnoticed. Their ability to do this comes largely from an extensive vocabulary base. Many different words have the same meaning, or as they are more commonly referred to are synonyms. Upon looking up a word in 2 the dictionary one might be surprised to realize that they already know the definition to it. By cross-checking these words and learning the different synonyms to them, a vocabulary is being established. As a result of reading books over a period of time, a learning process is formed. In summary, although only two effects are mentioned within this essay, there are a great many benefits to be gained from reading books. It is proven that in this technological society, the demands for higher levels of literacy are creating unfavorable consequences for those who fall short. This is even more of a reason to get into the habit of reading books. Sharing books with a child is an active approach to the learning of lifelong language skills and to ensure future success. 3
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay Argumentative Essay Argumentative Essay Argumentative essay must be developed on specific arguments. It is a must. Argumentative essay can be based on your personal opinion; however, it will be weak if you do not provide specific examples supporting your point of view. From the first lines of your argumentative essay, your position on the discussed issue should be clear to the reader. Nevertheless, it does not mean that you should not mention an opposite opinions. On the contrary, your argumentative essay should include specific references to other side of the debate. Writing an argumentative essay about smoking ban, for example, you should definitely think about both sides of the argument, choose the one you support, explain why it is right as well as mention why the other side is wrong. If you use secondary sources (articles, journals, books, and the Internet), you must give a credit to the author - do not forget to cite everything you use! Writing an Argumentative Essay Writing an essay you must avoid plagiarism! Your argumentative essay must be written in your own words. Take into account that paraphrasing is the same as plagiarism! Plan your time wisely to avoid rush. It is possible to write a good argumentative essay overnight for an experienced writer; but it is hardly achievable for an average student. Thus, give yourself at least a couple of days to write, structure, and revise your argumentative essay. Do not forget about argumentative essay editing - ask your friend or a parent to read your essay aloud. Does it sound convincing? Does it flow logically? Argumentative Essay Writing Every step of argumentative essay writing must be carefully reviewed. You cannot simply submit an essay without even reading it for the second time. Usually, there are many mistakes you may not have noticed. For example, you had an idea in mind but did not express it clearly or omitted the word. Such mistakes are not very serious but they will definitely affect your grade negatively. Ordering custom writing service, you receive perfect argumentative essay written by experienced writer. You may ask for revisions and amendments as many times as you want. Argumentative essay is very interesting to write but it becomes a real challenge if you do not know how to start writing it.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
IBM in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
IBM in China - Essay Example However, the process of manufacture of many of these parts contribute to pollution since they use CFCs and require high levels of power and cooling at datacenters, all of which have exacerbated greenhouse gas emissions and China’s increased energy use. China is a country where three decades of a communist regime have been followed by 25 years of â€Å"quasi-capitalism†, creating unrestrained economic and industrial growth and development, which have contributed heavily to pollution – China consumes 14.2% of the world’s energy and 70% of its rivers and lakes are heavily polluted. Some experts have contended that globalization impacts adversely upon the environment, since countries are forced to lower their production costs by neglecting to enact laws to preserve the environment and multinationals have the tendency to locate their polluting facilities in countries where environmental controls may be lax. In China, State environmental protection agencies are understaffed and are not equipped to cope with the burgeoning pollution levels in the country. Latest trends in China indicate that there is a growing antipathy in China against foreign investors, since it is the prevailing opinion that foreign investors use inexpensive Chinese labor and excessive amounts of energy to pollute the environment, then condemn the country for pollution and for producing cheap goods. Within China, IBM has recently been purchased by a Chinese Company Lenovo and with growing levels of fair competition within China, privatization is being encouraged. The switch to Lenovo could help IBM to tackle the stiff competition it is facing from other companies like dell and HP in the Asian region.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Compare and contrast the nursing theorist models of Parse and Watson Essay
Compare and contrast the nursing theorist models of Parse and Watson - Essay Example Patients now want to be consulted first, they have more access to various medical information, and want to be respected, recognized, and referred to when it pertains to their well-being. All new developments have also made nursing a highly-specialized profession, and nurses must continually update their knowledge they gained in the academe and from work experiences with continuing education. A few examples of nursing specializations are in pediatrics, geriatrics, acute care, natal care, cardiology, surgery, palliative care, toxicology, and mass casualties, to name just a few. In this regard, the nursing profession must not lose sight of its primary or core mission, despite the modernity in health care delivery. Its main aim is to render human care in whatever setting, be it in administrative, clinical, institutional, assisted-living facilities, senior retirement homes, or in a medical research facility. It is quite easy to get lost in all the complexity and forget human values necess ary in a patient-nurse relationship. In an attempt to preserve the noble heritage of nursing, several prominent nurses and educators have developed their own theories with regards to nurses' responsibilities despite all the heavy workload, from a shortage of nurses to increased number of patients nowadays. This paper examines the theories of Jean Watson and Rosemarie Parse. Discussion Although there are many nursing theories propounded by eminent practitioners, there are a few of these theories which had gained widespread acceptance and greater credibility due to their salient points when it comes to giving patient care. Over the years, nursing schools and hospital administrators have promoted these viable nursing theories as models for the nursing profession intended to be followed and applied in all health care settings. The idea is that nursing has core values which are applicable anywhere, and these must be applied consistently so that a patient recovers faster, while the nurse retains his or her humanity as an archetypal ideal nurse. Jean Watson – she developed her own theory of nursing based from her extensive work experiences in both academic and clinical settings. She has an undergraduate degree in nursing, a master's degree in psychiatric (mental health) nursing, and also a doctorate degree in educational psychology, together with three other honorary doctorate degrees granted by three countries, of Canada, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. A basic principle of her nursing theory is the return to the basics, in effect, what Florence Nightingale of England had tried to achieve when she first founded today's modern nursing practice during wartime conditions to care for the wounded. The key elements of Watson's theory are composed of three paradigms in nursing care, which are the carative (from the Greek word of care) factors composed of ten basic elements, the trans-personal relationship, and the caring moment. All the three paradigms are intended to make a nurse aware that a patient is a person with feelings and emotions which can adversely affect his health if not handled properly. Moreover, a nurse must give due care to a fellow human being in a holistic approach, as contrasted to the medicines used to cure a patient (Watson, 2008). Rosemarie Parse –
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Globalisation :: miscellaneous
Globalisation Globalisation is a term, which has invoked extensive academic debate over its impact and credibility, giving rise to a number of perspectives harboured by their respective scholars. Resulting from this division is a lack of universal acceptance towards a single definition beyond broad descriptions such as increased global interconnectedness.†Hence in order to gain an understanding of the phenomena it is necessary to distinguish between its two major forms, and the various agents involved. Nationalism In The Global VillageINTRODUCTIONWith the dawning of the information age there has been a shrinking of relative distances between people and places all over the world. With an increase in international communication comes an increase in cultural sharing. Cultures all over the planet reflect influences of neighboring cultures and other international trading partners. As these and many other factors work towards creating a global village many people are baffled by the increase in nationalism. Nationalism is a highly emotional phenomenon and as such is very unpredictable. Nationalism is far beyond its peak and the current rise is likely only an indicator of the transitional stage of globalization.GLOBAL VILLAGEToday it is common to here the term "global village" used in every day conversation. It is also common to here someone say, "What the hell is the global village?" The global village is the idea that the world and its people form an interconnected social whole, a village of common interests and concerns, linked by global communication, media, and rapid international transportation. The global village has emerged via the birth of the information age. Technological advances have continually stretched the bounds of our communication abilities and by using improving cellular phone technology or the Internet any individual can interact with another individual from a completely different culture. Since it is so easy and affordable to engage in these cross-cultural experiences, more and more people have been doing so. Cross-cultural exchanges often rise from or result in common interests or concerns developing. For example, international companies have a vested interest in the economies of the various countries in which they conduct business. The stronger the economies the better business will be. This is the sort of common interest and concern that the global village encompasses. All cultures are continually evolving and the information age has increased the ability of one culture to influence another culture. As all cultures begin to adopt features of other cultures the population of the planet begins to develop a homogenous culture.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Principles of Microeconomics Essay
1) If average movie ticket prices rise by about 5 percent and attendance falls by about 2 percent, other things being equal, the elasticity of demand for movie tickets is about: B. 0.4 2) A basic difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics is that microeconomics C. examines the choices made by individual participants in an economy, while macroeconomics considers the economy’s overall performance 3) An economist who is studying the relationship between the money supply, interest rates, and the rate of inflation is engaged in B. macroeconomic research 4) After several years of slow economic growth, world demand for petroleum began to rise rapidly in the 1990s. Much of the increase in demand was met by additional supplies from sources outside the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). OPEC, during this time, was unable to restrain output among members in its effort to lift oil prices. What best describes these events? C. The rise in demand shifted the demand for oil to the right. As price rose, the quantity of oil supplied rose. 5) Price elasticity of demand is the: D. percentage change in quantity demanded of a good divided by the percentage change in the price of that good 6) The distinction between supply and the quantity supplied is best made by saying that B. supply is represented graphically by a curve and the quantity supplied as a point on that curve associated with a particular price 7) When labor is the variable input, the average product equals the D. quantity of output divided by the number of workers 8) The increase in output obtained by hiring an additional worker is known as B. the marginal product 9) Which of the following is the best example of a long-run decision? A. An automobile manufacturing company is considering whether or not to invest in robotic equipment to develop a more cost-effective production technique. 10) Other things being equal, when average productivity falls, D. average variable cost must rise 11) According to economist Colin Camerer of the California Institute of Technology, many New York taxi drivers decide when to finish work by setting an income goal for themselves. If this is true, then on busy days when the effective hourly wage is higher, taxi drivers will B. work fewer hours than they will on slower days 12) A firm’s demand for labor is derived from the D. demand for its output 13) Owen runs a delivery business and currently employs three drivers. He owns three vans that employees use to make deliveries, but he is considering hiring a fourth driver. If he hires a fourth driver, he can schedule breaks and lunch hours so all three vans are in constant use, allowing him to increase deliveries per day from 60 to 75. This will cost an additional $75 per day to hire the fourth driver. The marginal cost per delivery of increasing output beyond 60 deliveries per day B. is $5 14) Expected economic profit per unit is equal to C. the difference between expected average price and expected average total cost 15) If a firm in a perfectly competitive market experiences a technological breakthrough, B. other firms would find out about it immediately 16) A significant difference between monopoly and perfect competition is that C. the monopolist’s demand curve is the industry demand curve, while the competitive firm’s demand curve is perfectly elastic 17) A monopoly firm is different from a competitive firm in that C. a monopolist can influence market price while a competitive firm cannot 18) The difference between a perfectly competitive firm and a monopolistically competitive firm is that a monopolistically competitive firm faces a D. downward-sloping demand curve and price exceeds marginal cost in equilibrium 19) As long as marginal cost is below marginal revenue, a perfectly competitive firm should A. increase production 20) Because a monopolistic competitor has some monopoly power, advertising to increase that monopoly power makes sense as long as the marginal C. benefit of advertising exceeds the marginal cost of advertising 21) In the Flint Hills area of Kansas, proposals to build wind turbines to generate electricity have pitted environmentalist against environmentalist. Members of the Kansas Sierra Club support the turbines as a way to reduce fossil fuel usage, while local chapters of the Nature Conservancy say they will befoul the landscape. The Sierra Club argues that wind turbines B. reduce negative externalities elsewhere in the economy 22) When negative externalities are present, market failure often occurs because A. the marginal external cost resulting from the activity is not reflected in the market price 23) A merger between a textile mill and a clothing manufacturing company would be considered a B. vertical merger 24) A merger between a baby food company and a life insurance company would be considered a C. conglomerate merger 25) The fact that U.S. managers’ salaries are substantially greater than those of comparable managers in Japan may be related to A. an increase in the demand for CEOs 26) Suppose people freely choose to spend 40 percent of their income on health care, but the government decides to tax 40 percent of a person’s income to provide the same level of coverage as before. What can be said about deadweight loss in each case? A. Taxing income results in deadweight loss, while purchasing health care on one’s own does not result in deadweight loss. 27) The U.S. textile industry is relatively small because the US imports most of its clothing. A clear result of the importation of clothing is D. the price of clothing is lower than it would be without imports 28) Countries can expect to gain from international trade as long as they B. specialize according to their comparative advantage 29) Which of the following is an example of the law of one price? D. Because their countries have similar institutions, the price paid for a computer in Germany and the United States are about the same when converted into the same currency. 30) From the point of view of consumer and producer surplus, what problem may be created when a country subsidizes the cost of energy to consumers to help alleviate the burden of higher energy costs? C. It encourages the consumption of too much fuel at the expense of other goods.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Nozicks Notion Of Historical Entitlement - 1728 Words
Nozick asserts that the state should not be able to prohibit capitalist transfers between consenting adults. In this paper I will argue that this claim is true in all circumstances regardless of the resulting inequality. I will begin my analysis by explaining why it is that Nozick makes this claim. This explanation will focus on articulating his detailed description of just acquisition and transfer of holdings. I will then move on to describe how Nozick’s conclusion regarding just transfers results in him forbidding state intervention restricting capitalist acts. The focus here will be on detailing how Nozick’s notion of historical entitlement combats the competing theories of justice in holdings, namely theories composed of end-state principles and patterned principles. Finally, I will address common concerns and anticipate rebuttals to Nozick’s claim and show how they are unsuccessful in their attempts. Nozick believes that a state should not prohibit co nsensual transfers between fit individuals due in part to the sacrifice of liberty that it entails. Nozick puts forth a theory of entitlement that does not include such a sacrifice. It consists of two main components: the principle of justice in acquisition and the principle of justice in transfer. The two principles together bring about a state of justice in holdings. Justice in transfer is concerned with answering the question of how a person may rightfully transfer a holding to another individual as well asShow MoreRelatedNozicks Argument Against Redistributive Taxation1621 Words  | 7 PagesRobert Nozick, in Anarchy, State and Utopia develops his central idea called the ‘entitlement theory.’ This concept states that redistribution of goods is only considered justified if it has the consent of the owner of the holdings. He mentions here that the only State that is justified in carrying out any duties is the ‘minimal state.’ The minimal State is o ne that is only limited to the enforcement of of contracts and protection of individuals, etc. Any more intervention from the State, accordingRead MoreThe Relationship Between Justice and the Good1551 Words  | 7 Pagesthat we can only agree to an equal distribution where a level of inequality will be to the advantage of everyone. Rawls suggests that there are two principles of justice (Rawls, 196). First is the â€Å"equal liberty principle†which guarantees equal entitlement to a full set of rights and liberties to every individual with a smaller set of liberties to the state (Rawls, 198). This, he says is necessary for fundamental interests of free and equal citizens to protect their opportunity and exercise theirRead MoreRawls Primary Principles Of Justice1321 Words  | 6 Pagesdistribution is. In a opposition to Rawls, Nozick disputes the idea of defining justice as a pattern of holdings. Nozick argues that a theory of justice must be 1) a patterned/unpatterned theory of justice or 2) operate on historical grounds. With this, Nozick presents his entitlement theory which entails a just distribution of wealth that does not require any pattern, rather how it was acquired (historically) and the end-result of the transfer. Nozick then directs his argument to the importance of â€Å"justiceRead MoreNozick and Rawls3588 Words  | 15 PagesWhich is the most appealing Nozick’s entitlement theory or Rawls theory of distributive justice? The defence of liberal ideologies emerged not long after the Second World War, prior to this there had been little faith in liberal values during the 1920’s and 1930’s, however after the war there appeared to be a renewed defence for liberal thinking ranging across a variety of ideological theories. To the present day these liberal perspectives continue to influence political thinking with regardsRead MoreRawls Theory Of Justice1905 Words  | 8 PagesRousseau, and Immanuel Kant in understanding that mankind come together to make social contract with one another for the greater benefit and prosperity to each their own. However, Rawls version of the original position does not necessarily follow historical rules. The principles are not tentative but are in fact hypothetical, for he does not claim that people automatically assume these principles as absolution. Rather, people might be willing to accept these principles based on the conditions beingRead MoreCriticisms Against Ethical Theories8474 Words  | 34 Pagesit? And, since happiness is just an emotion which can be chemically induced, isnt it a bit silly to make it the highest order objective? It is quite strange that many people will accept the pursuit of happiness as one of lifes fundamental entitlements, yet should suddenly develop ascetic inclinations as soon as the quarry appears obtainable. It seems they dont have a problem with someone trying to achieve happiness, rather they are only concerned when that someone has a reasonable prospectRead MoreJurisprudential Theories on IPR13115 Words  | 53 Pageson a quote from Hegel: Every man has the right to turn his will upon a thing or make the thing an object of his will, that is to say, to set aside the mere thing and recreate it as his own.[38] European intellectual property law is shaped by this notion that ideas are an extension of oneself and of one’s personality.[39]Personality theorists argue that by being a creator of something one is inherently at risk and vulnerable for having their ideas and designs stolen and/or altered. IntellectualRead MoreWhat’s Wrong with Executive Compensation?6661 Wo rds  | 27 Pagessuggest that the pay scales of any of these occupations should somehow be calculated or constrained as a multiple of another? Of course not – not if we are serious about capitalism. A fundamental tenet of the market economy we participate in is the notion that different jobs with different educational requirements and differing levels of expertise and responsibility should probably be compensated differentially. It is entirely possible, of course, that the pay scale of a certain occupation or position
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